import os
import time
import json
import math
from typing import Callable
from functools import reduce
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import lightgbm as lgb
from lightgbm.callback import record_evaluation, CallbackEnv, EarlyStopException, _format_eval_result
from lightgbm.basic import _log_info
from opt_utils import *

os.system('pip install neptune-client')
os.system('pip install neptune-lightgbm')
import neptune.new as neptune
from neptune.new.integrations.lightgbm import create_booster_summary
from kaggle_secrets import UserSecretsClient
user_secrets = UserSecretsClient()
NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN = user_secrets.get_secret("NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN")

# Callback for dart earlystopping
def early_stopping_dart(dart_dict: dict, stopping_rounds: int=None, model_file: str=None) -> Callable:
    """Create a callback that saves the model with the best validation score at ``model_file``, 
    and stops training if there ``stopping_rounds`` without improvement.

    dart_dict : dict
        A dictionary to save the best iteration, train score, and valid score of that iteration
    stopping_rounds : int 
        The possible number of rounds without the score improving.
    model_file : str
        Path used to save the best scoring model.

    callback : callable
        The callback that saves the best scoring model to file, and collects 
        best iteration, train score, and valid score.
    stopping_rounds = dart_dict.get('stopping_rounds', stopping_rounds)
    model_file = dart_dict.get('model_file', model_file)
    best_score = [math.inf]
    best_iter = [0]
    def _callback(env: CallbackEnv) -> None:
        score = env.evaluation_result_list[-1][2]
        if score < best_score[0]: 
            best_score[0] = score
            dart_dict['best_iteration'] = best_iter[0] = env.iteration
            dart_dict['train_score'] = score
            dart_dict['valid_score'] = env.evaluation_result_list[1][2]
        if env.iteration - best_iter[0] >= stopping_rounds:
            _log_info(f"Early stopping, best iteration is:\n[{best_iter[0] + 1}]\t{best_score[0]}")
            raise EarlyStopException(best_iter[0], env.evaluation_result_list)
    return _callback
cfg = {
    "script_name": 'opt_train_v2_op_89',
    "path_features": '../input/generate-train-features-script-p13/p13_train.pkl', # Used in train mode
    "path_models": '',
    "path_data_raw": '../input/optiver-realized-volatility-prediction/',
    "neptune_project": 'chrisrichardmiles/optiver',
    "neptune_description": 'p13 encoding top columns with shake .3',
    "encode_time_cols": ['real_vol_ratio_5_10', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.9_-1', 'order_norm_momentum', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.85_-1', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.99_1', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.95_1', 'abs_price_wap_diff_mean_decay_flip', 'abs_price_wap_diff_mean_decay', 'order_norm_sum', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.85_-1_2', 'spread_mean_decay_flip_95', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.99_-1', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.75_-1', 'spread_mean', 'order_count_sum', 'bid_price_diff_count_unique', 'spread_momentum', 'size_mean', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.95_-1', 'order_norm_mean_decay', 'spread_2_mean_decay_95', 'order_size_mean', 'spread_mean_decay_95', 
    "encode_stock_cols": ['real_vol_ratio_5_10', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.9_-1', 'order_norm_momentum', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.85_-1', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.99_1', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.95_1', 'abs_price_wap_diff_mean_decay_flip', 'abs_price_wap_diff_mean_decay', 'order_norm_sum', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.85_-1_2', 'spread_mean_decay_flip_95', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.99_-1', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.75_-1', 'spread_mean', 'order_count_sum', 'bid_price_diff_count_unique', 'spread_momentum', 'size_mean', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.95_-1', 'order_norm_mean_decay', 'spread_2_mean_decay_95', 'order_size_mean', 'spread_mean_decay_95',
    "drop_cols": ['row_id', 'time_id', 'stock_id', 'target'] + ['real_momentum_0.55_-1', 'wap_2_last-first', 'sum_bid_ask_momentum', 'abs_log_return_momentum', 'order_size_sqaure_weighted_sum', 'size_mean_decay_95', 'size_norm_momentum_95', 'size_norm_momentum', 'size_spread_mean_decay_flip_95', 'log_return_2_realized_volatility', 'abs_price_wap_diff_2_std', 'sum_bid_ask_mean', 'real_momentum_0.85_-1', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.55_-1', 'abs_price_wap_diff_amax', 'size_mean_decay', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.9_-1_2', 'abs_price_wap_diff_2_mean', 'real_momentum_0.65_-1_2', 'price_wap_diff_2_max_sub_min', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.75_1', 'real_vol_min_5', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.95_-1_2', 'real_vol_min_6', 'size_spread_mean', 'size_spread_mean_decay_95', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.75_1_2', 'sum_bid_ask_std', 'price_wap_diff_mean_decay', 'wap_2_real_vol', 'abs_price_wap_diff_2_mean_decay', 'size_momentum_95', 'real_momentum_0.65_-1', 'size_spread_momentum_95', 'real_vol_min_2', 'sum_bid_ask_mean_decay_flip', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.65_1', 'size_spread_mean_decay_flip', 'real_momentum_0.75_-1_2', 'abs_price_wap_diff_2_max_sub_min', 'price_wap_diff_momentum', 'real_momentum_0.55_-1_2', 'real_momentum_0.45_-1_2', 'spread_pct_std', 'abs_price_wap_diff_max_sub_min', 'real_momentum_0.95_-1', 'real_vol_min_7', 'real_vol_min_4_2', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.99_1_2', 'spread_2_sum', 'sum_bid_ask_mean_decay', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.55_1', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.55_1_2', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.9_1_2', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.65_1_2', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.45_1_2', 'wap_2_std', 'price_wap_diff_max_sub_min', 'real_momentum_0.85_-1_2', 'real_momentum_0.45_-1', 'price_wap_diff_2_mean_decay_flip', 'size_norm_mean_decay_flip_95', 'price_wap_diff_mean_decay_flip', 'real_momentum_0.99_-1', 'sum_bid_ask_max_sub_min', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.95_1_2', 'real_vol_min_4', 'real_vol_min_8', 'real_vol_min_2_2', 'real_momentum_0.99_-1_2', 'real_momentum_0.95_-1_2', 'log_return_mean_decay_flip', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.85_1_2', 'price_wap_diff_2_std', 'log_return_realized_volatility', 'abs_log_return_2_momentum', 'log_return_2_mean_decay_flip', 'log_return_std', 'log_return_2_std', 'real_momentum_0.75_-1', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.45_-1_2', 'abs_price_wap_diff_2_momentum', 'real_momentum_0.9_-1_2', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.9_1', 'price_wap_diff_2_mean_decay', 'real_vol_min_9_2', 'real_vol_mean_decay_0.99_-1_2', 'wap_2_max_sub_min', 'real_momentum_0.9_-1', 'dummy3', 'abs_price_wap_diff_2_mean_decay_flip', 
    "encode_funcs": ['mean', 'std'], 
    "shake": False, 
    "shake_std": .3, 
    "prefix": '',
    "rerun": True,
    "neptune_run_name": '',
    "lgb_params": {
        # https://lightgbm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
        "boosting_type": "dart",
        "objective": "rmse",
        "learning_rate": .05,
        "num_leaves": 255,
        "min_data_in_leaf": 255,
        "feature_fraction": 0.8,
        "bagging_fraction": .5, # Select bagging_fraction of rows every bagging_freq of iterations.
        "bagging_freq": 1,      # This speeds up training and underfits. Need both set to do anything.
        "n_estimators": 3,
        "early_stopping_rounds": 400,
        "n_jobs": -1,
        "seed": 42,
        "verbose": -1, 
with open('cfg.json', 'w') as f: 
    json.dump(cfg, f)
def main(): 
    train = pd.read_pickle(cfg['path_features'])
    train['real_vol_ratio_5_10'] = train[[f'real_vol_min_{i}' for i in range(1, 6)]].sum(axis=1) / train[[f'real_vol_min_{i}' for i in range(6, 11)]].sum(axis=1)
    train = encode_cols(train, cfg["encode_time_cols"], funcs=cfg['encode_funcs'], on='time_id')

    # Saving encoded stock columns
    feat_file = 'enc_' + os.path.split(cfg['path_features'])[1]
    tmp = encode_cols(train, cfg["encode_stock_cols"], funcs=cfg['encode_funcs'], on='stock_id')
    tmp.to_pickle(os.path.join(cfg['path_models'], feat_file))
    del tmp

    drop_cols = [c for c in cfg['drop_cols'] if c in train.columns and c != 'stock_id']
    x = train.drop(drop_cols, axis = 1)
    y = train['target']

    oof_predictions = np.zeros(x.shape[0]) # Create out of folds array
    scores = [] # Keep track of scores for each fold and all oof at the end
    best_iterations = []
    training_best_scores = []
    valid_best_scores = [] # Same as scores in this script, but would be different with nested cv
    best_score_diffs = []
    dict_eval_logs = [] # For experimentation tracking
    booster_summaries = [] # For experimentation tracking
    dumb_features = []
    top_features = []

    for fold in range(5):
        trn_ind = x.fold != fold
        val_ind = x.fold == fold

        print(f'Training fold {fold}')
        x_train, x_val = x[trn_ind].drop('fold', axis=1), x[val_ind].drop('fold', axis=1)
        y_train, y_val = y[trn_ind], y[val_ind]

        x_train = encode_cols(x_train, 
                              shake_std=cfg['shake_std']).drop('stock_id', axis=1)
        n_train_cols = x_train.shape[1]

        x_val = encode_cols(x_val, 
                            funcs=cfg['encode_funcs']).drop('stock_id', axis=1)

        train_weights = 1 / np.square(y_train) # Root mean squared percentage error weights
        val_weights = 1 / np.square(y_val)
        train_dataset = lgb.Dataset(x_train, y_train, weight=train_weights, free_raw_data=False)
        val_dataset = lgb.Dataset(x_val, y_val, weight=val_weights, reference=train_dataset, free_raw_data=False)

        # Variables for callback functions
        model_file = os.path.join(cfg['path_models'], f'{cfg["prefix"]}lgb_fold_{fold}.txt')
        dart_dict = {'stopping_rounds': cfg['lgb_params']['early_stopping_rounds'],
                     'model_file': model_file}
        dict_eval_log = {}

        model = lgb.train(params = cfg['lgb_params'], 
                          train_set = train_dataset, 
                          valid_sets = [val_dataset, train_dataset], 
                          valid_names = ['valid', 'train'], 
                          feval = feval_rmspe,
                          verbose_eval = 1)

        model = lgb.Booster(model_file=model_file)
        y_pred = model.predict(x_val)
        oof_predictions[val_ind] = y_pred
        scores.append(round(rmspe(y_val, y_pred), 3))


        booster_summary = create_booster_summary(
        train_score = dart_dict['train_score']
        valid_score = dart_dict['valid_score']
        training_best_scores.append(round(train_score, 3))
        valid_best_scores.append(round(valid_score, 3))
        best_score_diffs.append(round(valid_score - train_score, 3))

        del booster_summary, dict_eval_log

    rmspe_score = round(rmspe(y, oof_predictions), 4)
    print(f'Our out of folds RMSPE is {rmspe_score}')
    print(f'Our cv fold scores are {scores}')
    np.save('oof_predictions', oof_predictions)

    run = neptune.init(
            tags=[cfg['path_features'], cfg['prefix']],
    run['feat_id'] = feat_file
    run['cfg'] = cfg
    run['RMSPE'] = rmspe_score
    run['RMSPE_oof_scores'] = scores
    run['RMSPE_cv_std'] = np.std(scores)

    run['best_iterations'] = best_iterations
    best_iterations_mean = int(np.mean(best_iterations))
    run['best_iterations_mean'] = best_iterations_mean
    run['training_best_scores'] = training_best_scores
    run['valid_best_scores'] = valid_best_scores
    run['best_score_diffs'] = best_score_diffs
    run['best_score_diffs_mean'] = round(np.mean(best_score_diffs), 3)
    run['dumb_features'] = list(reduce(lambda a, b: set(a).intersection(set(b)), dumb_features))
    run['top_features'] = list(reduce(lambda a, b: set(a).intersection(set(b)), top_features))

    # Logs for each folds model
    for fold in range(5):
        run[f'lgbm_summaries/fold_{fold}'] = booster_summaries[fold]
        run[f'lgbm_summaries/dumb_features_{fold}'] = list(dumb_features[fold])
        run[f'lgbm_summaries/top_features_{fold}'] = list(top_features[fold])
        dict_eval_log = dict_eval_logs[fold]
        for valid_set, odict in dict_eval_log.items():
            for metric, log in odict.items():
                for val in log:

    if cfg['rerun']: 
        print(f'retraining model with all data for {best_iterations} iterations')
        params = cfg['lgb_params'].copy()
        params['early_stopping_rounds'] = 0 # No valid set to stop with

        x_train = x.drop(['fold'], axis=1)
        x_train = encode_cols(x_train, 
                              shake_std=cfg['shake_std']).drop('stock_id', axis=1)
        y_train = y

        assert(n_train_cols == x_train.shape[1])

        train_weights = 1 / np.square(y_train) # Root mean squared percentage error weights
        train_dataset = lgb.Dataset(x_train, y_train, weight=train_weights)

        for fold, best_iter in enumerate(best_iterations): 
            params['n_estimators'] = int(best_iter) # lgbm needs int here
            model = lgb.train(params = params, 
                              train_set = train_dataset)
            model.save_model(os.path.join(cfg['path_models'], f'{cfg["prefix"]}rerun_lgb_{fold}.txt'))
if __name__ == '__main__': 
Training fold 0
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/engine.py:148: UserWarning: Found `n_estimators` in params. Will use it instead of argument
  _log_warning("Found `{}` in params. Will use it instead of argument".format(alias))
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/engine.py:153: UserWarning: Found `early_stopping_rounds` in params. Will use it instead of argument
  _log_warning("Found `{}` in params. Will use it instead of argument".format(alias))
[1] train's rmse: 0.00114413    train's RMSPE: 0.52998  valid's rmse: 0.00115188    valid's RMSPE: 0.53124
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/callback.py:183: UserWarning: Early stopping is not available in dart mode
  _log_warning('Early stopping is not available in dart mode')
[2] train's rmse: 0.00109769    train's RMSPE: 0.508467 valid's rmse: 0.00110573    valid's RMSPE: 0.509958
[3] train's rmse: 0.00105382    train's RMSPE: 0.488149 valid's rmse: 0.00106222    valid's RMSPE: 0.48989
Training fold 1
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/engine.py:148: UserWarning: Found `n_estimators` in params. Will use it instead of argument
  _log_warning("Found `{}` in params. Will use it instead of argument".format(alias))
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/engine.py:153: UserWarning: Found `early_stopping_rounds` in params. Will use it instead of argument
  _log_warning("Found `{}` in params. Will use it instead of argument".format(alias))
[1] train's rmse: 0.0011456 train's RMSPE: 0.52913  valid's rmse: 0.00114536    valid's RMSPE: 0.534346
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/callback.py:183: UserWarning: Early stopping is not available in dart mode
  _log_warning('Early stopping is not available in dart mode')
[2] train's rmse: 0.00109882    train's RMSPE: 0.507522 valid's rmse: 0.00109936    valid's RMSPE: 0.512882
[3] train's rmse: 0.00105481    train's RMSPE: 0.487196 valid's rmse: 0.00105636    valid's RMSPE: 0.492825
Training fold 2
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/engine.py:148: UserWarning: Found `n_estimators` in params. Will use it instead of argument
  _log_warning("Found `{}` in params. Will use it instead of argument".format(alias))
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/engine.py:153: UserWarning: Found `early_stopping_rounds` in params. Will use it instead of argument
  _log_warning("Found `{}` in params. Will use it instead of argument".format(alias))
[1] train's rmse: 0.00114983    train's RMSPE: 0.531413 valid's rmse: 0.00112919    valid's RMSPE: 0.52551
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/callback.py:183: UserWarning: Early stopping is not available in dart mode
  _log_warning('Early stopping is not available in dart mode')
[2] train's rmse: 0.00110306    train's RMSPE: 0.509799 valid's rmse: 0.0010835 valid's RMSPE: 0.504245
[3] train's rmse: 0.00105898    train's RMSPE: 0.489427 valid's rmse: 0.00104054    valid's RMSPE: 0.484253
Training fold 3
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/engine.py:148: UserWarning: Found `n_estimators` in params. Will use it instead of argument
  _log_warning("Found `{}` in params. Will use it instead of argument".format(alias))
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/engine.py:153: UserWarning: Found `early_stopping_rounds` in params. Will use it instead of argument
  _log_warning("Found `{}` in params. Will use it instead of argument".format(alias))
[1] train's rmse: 0.001147  train's RMSPE: 0.530741 valid's rmse: 0.00114036    valid's RMSPE: 0.528187
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/callback.py:183: UserWarning: Early stopping is not available in dart mode
  _log_warning('Early stopping is not available in dart mode')
[2] train's rmse: 0.00110018    train's RMSPE: 0.509077 valid's rmse: 0.00109398    valid's RMSPE: 0.506709
[3] train's rmse: 0.00105622    train's RMSPE: 0.488736 valid's rmse: 0.00105007    valid's RMSPE: 0.48637
Training fold 4
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/engine.py:148: UserWarning: Found `n_estimators` in params. Will use it instead of argument
  _log_warning("Found `{}` in params. Will use it instead of argument".format(alias))
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/engine.py:153: UserWarning: Found `early_stopping_rounds` in params. Will use it instead of argument
  _log_warning("Found `{}` in params. Will use it instead of argument".format(alias))
[1] train's rmse: 0.0011412 train's RMSPE: 0.529605 valid's rmse: 0.00116322    valid's RMSPE: 0.532431
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/callback.py:183: UserWarning: Early stopping is not available in dart mode
  _log_warning('Early stopping is not available in dart mode')
[2] train's rmse: 0.00109532    train's RMSPE: 0.508314 valid's rmse: 0.00111604    valid's RMSPE: 0.510835
[3] train's rmse: 0.00105181    train's RMSPE: 0.488118 valid's rmse: 0.00107131    valid's RMSPE: 0.490362
Our out of folds RMSPE is 0.4887
Our cv fold scores are [0.49, 0.493, 0.484, 0.486, 0.49]
Remember to stop your run once you’ve finished logging your metadata (https://docs.neptune.ai/api-reference/run#stop). It will be stopped automatically only when the notebook kernel/interactive console is terminated.
Shutting down background jobs, please wait a moment...
Waiting for the remaining 142 operations to synchronize with Neptune. Do not kill this process.
All 142 operations synced, thanks for waiting!
retraining model with all data for [2, 2, 2, 2, 2] iterations
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/engine.py:148: UserWarning: Found `n_estimators` in params. Will use it instead of argument
  _log_warning("Found `{}` in params. Will use it instead of argument".format(alias))
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/engine.py:153: UserWarning: Found `early_stopping_rounds` in params. Will use it instead of argument
  _log_warning("Found `{}` in params. Will use it instead of argument".format(alias))
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/engine.py:148: UserWarning: Found `n_estimators` in params. Will use it instead of argument
  _log_warning("Found `{}` in params. Will use it instead of argument".format(alias))
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lightgbm/engine.py:153: UserWarning: Found `early_stopping_rounds` in params. Will use it instead of argument
  _log_warning("Found `{}` in params. Will use it instead of argument".format(alias))

m = lgb.Booster(model_file='./lgb_fold_0.txt')